View my current CV here.
2023- Assistant Instructional Professor of Science Communication, University of Chicago
2020-2023: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago
2021: Guggenheim Fellow, National Air & Space Museum
2018-2020: SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University
2018: PhD, Science & Technology Studies (STS), York University
2015: NASA Predoctoral Fellow, History of Science Society
2010: MA, Science & Technology Studies (STS), York University
2008: BA, History, University of Toronto
Awards and Honors
2023: NASA Astrobiology Program/American Philosophical Society Lewis and Clark Fund Field Scholar.
2023: David Edge Prize (Society for Social Studies of Science) with David Reinecke for “The Maintenance of Ambiguity in Martian Exobiology.”
2022: Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Fellowship (Smithsonian Institution, National Air & Space Museum) for “Putting Mars in a Jar.”
2019: Residential Fellowship (Linda Hall Library for Science, Engineering, and Technology) for “Putting Mars in a Jar.”
2016: Adams Center Prize for Cold War History (Virginia Military Institute) for “Putting Mars in a Jar.”
2014: NASA Fellowship in the History of Space Science (History of Science Society) for “Anticipating the Astronaut.”
2013: Sacknoff Prize for Space History (Society for the History of Technology) for “Rethinking the Overview Effect”